¿En qué mano va el anillo de compromiso? Una guía completa - Neogold

Which hand should the engagement ring go on? A complete guide

When it comes time to wear an engagement ring, a common question is, “Which hand should I wear it on?” The answer can vary depending on culture, traditions, and personal beliefs. In this article, we’ll help you understand the different traditions surrounding wearing an engagement ring, how they vary between cultures, and what to do with the ring after the wedding.

The history and tradition of the engagement ring

The engagement ring has its origins in ancient Rome. At that time, it was believed that the fourth finger of the left hand had a direct connection to the heart through the “vena amoris” or “vein of love.” Although this belief has no scientific basis, the tradition has endured, making this finger the preferred place to wear the engagement ring, symbolizing love and connection.

The myth of the Vena Amoris

The idea of ​​the “Vena Amoris” is more of a romantic myth than a medical reality, but its symbolism remains powerful. Placing the ring on the left ring finger represents commitment and the promise of eternal love. Over the centuries, this tradition has been adopted by various cultures, establishing itself as an essential symbol in marriage commitments.

Cultural differences in the use of the engagement ring

Countries that wear it on their left hand

In countries such as the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia, it is customary to wear the engagement ring on the left hand . During the marriage ceremony, the ring may be temporarily moved to the right hand to make room for the wedding ring, and then placed back on the left hand along with the wedding ring.

Countries that wear it on their right hand

In some Eastern European cultures, such as Russia and Greece, and in several Asian countries such as India, the engagement ring is worn on the right hand . In India, the right hand is considered more auspicious for carrying important symbols. In Russia, this tradition is associated with good fortune and protection of marriage.

What to do with the engagement ring after marriage?

Combined use with the wedding ring

In many Western cultures, it is customary to wear both the engagement ring and wedding ring on the same finger, usually the ring finger of the left hand. This practice symbolizes unity and eternal commitment, as well as creating an aesthetically pleasing and meaningful combination.

Alternatives to ring use

Some people prefer to move the engagement ring to the right hand after the wedding, leaving the wedding band only on the left hand. This practice allows each ring to stand out individually. Another option is to wear the engagement ring only on special occasions to avoid daily wear and tear.

Types of engagement and wedding rings

Engagement and wedding rings come in a variety of styles and materials that reflect the couple's personality and tastes. Some of the most common are:

  • Solitaire : Classic with a single gemstone, usually a diamond.
  • Halo : Center ring surrounded by a “halo” of smaller stones for extra sparkle.
  • Vintage : Inspired by antique styles, with intricate details and timeless design.
  • Wedding rings : They tend to be simpler, made of materials such as gold, platinum or even alternatives such as tungsten or titanium.

How to choose the right ring size?

Choosing the right ring size is crucial for comfort. Here are some tips for measuring correctly:

  • Measurement at a jewelry store : This is the most accurate method. Many jewelry stores offer this service free of charge.
  • Test rings : There are kits you can use at home to find your ideal size.
  • Notes : Remember that fingers can change size depending on the weather or time of day. Measure when your fingers are at their normal size for best accuracy.

Why does the ring go on the left ring finger?

The left ring finger is the traditional location for engagement and wedding rings due to the historical belief in the “vena amoris.” Additionally, it is less prone to damage because it is less used in daily activities.

Tips for wearing an engagement ring

Personal and cultural considerations

When deciding which hand to wear your engagement ring on, consider both cultural traditions and your personal preferences. Some people follow family customs, while others choose the hand that feels most comfortable or meaningful to them. Most importantly, your decision should reflect the meaning you want to give to your engagement.

Comfort and personal style

Comfort is key. If you primarily wear your right hand, it may be more practical to wear your ring on your left to avoid damage. Also consider how your engagement ring and wedding ring complement each other – some prefer a coordinated style, while others wear them individually.

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