Cómo saber si un anillo es de oro: Guía práctica para identificar la autenticidad - Neogold

How to know if a ring is gold: Practical guide to identify authenticity

In the world of jewelry, the authenticity of gold rings is a crucial factor to consider. With so many options available, from solid gold pieces to imitations, it is important to know how to distinguish a genuine gold ring from a fake one. In this article, we will provide you with a practical guide so that you can identify the authenticity of your gold rings.

Acid Test: The Most Reliable Method

The acid test is considered the most reliable method for determining the purity of gold in a ring. This process involves applying a small amount of diluted nitric acid or muriatic acid to the surface of the ring. If the ring is made of pure gold, the surface will not change at all. However, if the ring contains other metals, the acid will react and leave a stain or discoloration on the metal.

It is important to note that this test should be performed with caution and in a well-ventilated area, as the acids used can be dangerous. In addition, it is advisable to test in an inconspicuous area of ​​the ring, such as the bottom or inside, to avoid damaging the visual appearance of the jewel.

Magnet Test: Detecting the Presence of Other Metals

Another way to check the authenticity of a gold ring is by testing it with a magnet. Gold is a non-magnetic metal, so if the ring is attracted to a magnet, it means that it contains other magnetic metals, such as iron or nickel.

To perform this test, simply hold a magnet near the ring and see if it is attracted to it. If the ring moves or sticks to the magnet, this is a sign that it is not pure gold. This test is simple and quick, but it does not provide information about the purity of the gold.

Visual Observation: Details that reveal quality

In addition to physical testing, you can also perform a detailed visual inspection of the ring to identify signs of authenticity. Some details to keep in mind are:

  • Finish and Texture: A high-quality gold ring will have a smooth, even finish, without any blemishes or irregularities.
  • Identifying Marks: Authentic gold rings often have identifying marks, such as a purity stamp (18k, 14k, etc.) or a manufacturer's logo.
  • Weight and shine: A pure gold ring will have considerable weight and a characteristic shine, unlike imitations which are usually lighter and have a duller appearance.

Consult with a jewelry expert

If you still have doubts about the authenticity of your gold ring, the best option is to consult with a jewelry expert. Professionals have specialized tools and knowledge to perform more advanced tests and accurately determine the purity of the gold.

At Neogold, our Colombian jewelry store, we pride ourselves on offering exclusive, high-quality pieces made with 18k gold and precious stones. Our experts will be happy to advise you and guarantee the authenticity of your jewelry.


Identifying the authenticity of a gold ring can seem like a challenging task, but with the right methods, you can be sure of the quality of your jewelry. Remember to perform acid and magnet tests, as well as visually inspect the details of the ring. If you have any doubts, don't hesitate to consult a trusted jewelry expert, such as the professionals at Neogold.

Protecting the integrity of your jewelry is essential, and with this guide, you'll be better prepared to recognize an authentic gold ring. Enjoy your pieces with the peace of mind of knowing they are of the highest quality!

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